Chemical peel


Chemical peels

The chemical peel is a procedure which involves the application of one or more chemicals on the skin, producing an acceleration of cell turnover. The immediate effect is skin exfoliation ( more or less deep), usually visible, and  a delayed  effect is skin regeneration with repairing of the epidermis and dermal matrix (formation of new collagen ) which improves certain aesthetic defects such  as spots, wrinkles , skin tone, color, etc. .


  • can be done in any season, in any type of skin anywhere on the body (with a suitable choice of peeling)
  • It’s quick and easy
  • In ambulatory use, generally not requiring hospitalization
  • Painless in most cases
  • immediate outcome:  provides a smoother, brighter and younger looking skin.


Facial aging due to sun exposure (photoaging ) , fine wrinkles and expression lines, pigmented spots ( age spots , melisma , freckles, ... ) , irregularities of the skin ( acne, keratosis , dry skin, ... ) , sagging skin , stretch marks, scars , open pores ...


The selection of the peeling depends largely on the patient’s skin type, but also impacts other aspects such as the preparation of the skin, sun exposure and expectations. The best candidates for implementing peels are individuals with fair skin, blond hair and blue eyes (low phototype) due to lower risk of hyperpigmentation.

Risks and recommendations

Do not apply retinoic acid or benzoyl peroxide creams the night before. If you miss, talk to your doctor before applying the peel (see peel preparation)

Do not make heavy exercise in the 7 days following application.

Avoid exposure to the sun in 3-7 days, and use adequate sun protection.


The effectiveness of peeling depends on multiple factors , such as knowledge of the chemical to be used , the characteristics of the skin to treat ( phototype , thickness, ethnic heritage , hypersensitivity ... ) , the formulation of each substance (concentration , pH ... ) , contact time , etc. .

Depending on the depth of the action of the chemical used, the peel can be superficial, medium or deep. A greater depth of action, greater stimulation and skin repair but higher chance of complications.


Information contained on this page not intends to replace the information provided by your doctor individually. If in doubt, your doctor will provide the necessary clarifications. If you are thinking about having a cosmetic procedure, contact a specialist (dermatologist, plastic surgeon).